Endowment Fund

What is an Endowment Fund?

The Endowment Fund is a form of mutual stewardship between you and the church. By supporting the Endowment Fund, you act as a steward to and for our Congregation.  By using the income generated from the Endowment Fund, Grace Lutheran Church acts as a steward to fulfill our mission to our members and the community.

The Endowment Fund ensures that Grace Lutheran Church has the means for purposeful ministry many, many years into the future. It is forward-focused and is intended to build on itself so that it gives back to the mission of the Congregation.  By giving to the Endowment Fund, you make a gift that keeps on giving year after year.  Gifts to the Endowment Fund allow you to create a personal legacy that is meaningful to you and the Congregation you care about.

Your gift to the Grace Endowment Fund is a lasting gift that “keeps on giving” as it always remains in the fund in its full amount, with the interest being used to make an impact on an important ministry or community organization each year. Giving a gift in memory or honor of a loved one, or simply to begin leaving a tangible legacy with your finances is a great way to join in doing kingdom work in the world. Fill out the form including the gift amount.

You can give now online, or for larger gift amounts, send a check to Grace and include Endowment Fund in the memo line.

Nominating & Applying for Endowment Gifts

Grace members may request a gift for a person or group inside or outside the congregation from the annual earnings of the Endowment Fund or a specific designated fund within the Endowment Fund.  Gifts are distributed each year during the annual meeting of the Congregation.  On-line applications are due to the Endowment Committee by October 31st each year.

How does the Grace Endowment Fund relate to regular contributions and special appeals at Grace Lutheran Church?

The Endowment Fund is unlike the General Fund, capital appeals or designated giving which pay for the day-to-day operations of Grace Lutheran, maintaining our building or funding ministries such as choirs, organ, sanctuary upgrades, etc.

Gifts to the Grace Endowment Fund

The unique feature of the Endowment Fund is that the principal given to the fund remains intact forever. Only the interest is given out each year. It is a thoughtful and caring way to remember loved ones, mark an occasion or event, honor those around you or simply give glory to God.  Gifts of any amount are accepted and permanently tracked by Grace Lutheran Church.

“Where there’s a will there’s a way.”

The Endowment Committee hopes that you will include Grace Lutheran Church in your Will or estate planning as a way of remembering this wonderful place.  All members are asked to consider leaving a legacy for the future of Grace.  Your gift will last for generations to come.

A Charitable Gift is Possible for Everyone

You may not see yourself as someone with the ability to give a charitable gift to the Endowment Fund, but a charitable gift can be made as easily as designating Grace Lutheran Church as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.  In this way you are leaving future funds to the church.

Other ways of making charitable gifts include: shares of stock, annuities, bequests of property or assets at the time of death, gift annuities which provide you with income for the remainder of your lifetime, and gifts of property or real estate which you may continue to inhabit until death.

Forms and Resources