Worship at Grace
Worship with us Live
You are welcome here, exactly as you are! We really mean that.
Worship takes place on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the sanctuary. Every service includes song, prayer, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Kids are welcome!
Every service is live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. You can watch at the time of the service, or any time in the week that works for you. If you just want to listen to a past sermon, you can find the sermon archives here.
Worship at Grace is participatory! Everyone participates simply by being present in the space. We also invite people to participate by handing out bulletins, reading Scripture, serving Communion, or leading us in music. If you’re interested in being involved in any of these worship roles, please contact Pastor Sarah.
What to expect
Our services are traditional, yet also accessible and real. We ground ourselves in the four basic components of Lutheran worship
The Holy Spirit calls and gathers us together as the people of God
God speaks to us in bible reading, preaching, and song
God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ through the Holy Communion meal
God blesses us and sends us to share God’s love with the world
We know that stepping through the doors of a church for the first time can be confusing and overwhelming! Here’s what you can expect to experience when you show up at Grace on a Sunday morning.
When you arrive through the main doors, a member of the congregation will greet you. We invite everyone to write their name and pronouns on a name-tag and then proceed to the sanctuary. At the entrance to the sanctuary, an usher will give you a bulletin that will help you follow along and participate in the service. There are also special bulletins for children, along with books, crayons, and other fidget toys just inside the sanctuary entrance. Our worship services include praying together, singing together, listening to scripture and a sermon, and sharing in the communion feast, which is open to everyone. We invite you to come just as you are, wherever you are on life’s journey!
Kids of all ages are welcome to participate fully in Grace’s worship life – wiggles, noisiness, and all! Families with young children are invited to use either of our praygrounds; one that is off to the side in the front of the sanctuary, and another that is right behind the glass panes at the back of the sanctuary. This allows young kids to be kids, even when they’re in worship! During the worship services, we include a “children’s time,” where kids of all ages are invited forward for a short message with one of our leaders.
Following the Children’s Message in worship, children are invited to gather outside the Sanctuary for Kids Connect, which is an age-level Bible story and learning activity. Kids Connect will return to the Sanctuary during the Hymn of the Day so that kids can participate in the remainder of the service - the prayers, communion, and sending. (Please note: Children under the age of 4 are welcome to join Kids Connect but must be accompanied by a parent/guardian).
There is also nursery care available during the worship service for infants through age 3. The nursery is located across from the elevators.
Not at all! At Grace, dress tends to be fairly casual, but you’ll see everything from jeans to business casual. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. We believe God accepts you as you are, not as you are dressed.
In November 2016, Grace Lutheran Church voted to become a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. This means that we wholeheartedly believe in Jesus’ radical welcome to all. As an RIC congregation, we see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. We strive to be anti-racist in our communal life and believe that authentic racial, sexual, gender, and ethnic diversity allows us to more fully experience God’s creativity and goodness. We acknowledge that the church has caused much hurt and pain for those in the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities; being an RIC church reflects our commitments to repair, to lament, and to work toward justice and equity for all God’s children. Click here for more information on our RIC ministry!
We do not ask anyone to stand up and introduce themselves during our services, but we would love to know of your presence with us! You can share your information with us either by filling out a “welcome card” in the pew or by filling out the QR code in the bulletin. You can also fill out this form here and we will reach out to you!
Everyone, without exception! We strongly believe that, whenever God hosts a meal, everyone is welcome, no matter who you are, or what you’ve done, or how strong your faith is. There is no minimum age for receiving Holy Communion. Kids are welcome, for they know at a very young age what it feels like to be included at a meal!
Yes! We always have gluten-free wafers and alcohol-free juice available.
At Grace, there are gendered ADA-compliant restrooms in the newer part of our building, right by the elevators. There are also all-gender restrooms that can be accessed by exiting the sanctuary to the left and following a short hallway.
Ways to experience Grace
Worship takes place on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the sanctuary. Every service includes song, prayer, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Kids are welcome!
Come to Worship
At Grace we take the Bible seriously, but not literally. In our sermons, we question, we wrestle, and we seek to find connections between ancient words and today.
Recent Sermons
Every service is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. You can watch at the time of the service, or any time in the week that works for you.
Watch Live
If you’d like more information about Grace or want to share your contact information with us, please fill out this form!