At Grace, we are committed to helping our young people to understand that their faith matters! We want them to know and care about their peers, and build relationships with their peers and others in our faith community. Through a combination of once-a-month day retreats and overnight retreats, our goal is to invite them to wonder about and grow in their understanding of Lutheran theology, engage with Bible stories, and be able to draw parallels to their lives today.
Dates and descriptions of the retreats and responsibilities are listed on this page. If you have questions, or would like additional information, please contact Lisa Sampson, Director of Faith Formation.
Confirmation - Sign-ups
Monthly Meets: 9:30a-3:00p
Feb. 22-23 – Winter Retreat
March 16 – Monthly Meet
April 13 – Monthly Meet
May 4 – Affirmation of Baptism Service
Summer Festival Camp 2025
High School Camp (completed 8th-12th) - July 13-16
Middle School Camp (completed 6th-8th) - July 20-23
Healthy Relationships Retreat – 6th graders – Jan. 5 at Grace
Defining healthy relationships, online safety, understanding and preventing sexual exploitation and human trafficking, provide resources, and making a plan.
Abundant Life Retreat – 7th & 8th Grade - Jan. 18-20, 2025
$250 includes transportation. Scholarships are available.
Held at Camp Wapo, Amery, WI
The Abundant Life Retreat is aimed at helping youth understand how their faith informs their relationships, sexuality, identity, and place in community. This is a required retreat for all 7th and 8th graders in confirmation. Each year the topic rotates between Faith & Sexuality, Faith & Healthy Relationships, and Faith & Social Justice. This year we will focus on Faith & Healthy Relationships. With sex educator and parent coach Karin Halloway Egge as our guide, we will explore what Jesus said when he told his disciples that he came so that we might have an abundant life! (John 10:10) The retreat is a collaborative effort between multiple Lutheran Churches in the Twin Cities and is led by a trained sex educator and local pastors, along with adult chaperones from each church.
Winter Retreat - 6th-7th-8th Grades - February 22 - 23
Location - TBD
Cost - TBD
At the winter retreat we will take time away from our busy lives to learn, play, and deepen friendships!
Worship Response Forms
A total of ten (10) Worship Response Forms are due each year. These can be done on Sunday mornings or during Lent. You may also watch online. Forms are available at Grace as you enter the Sanctuary or click on the box above.
Service Projects
Service Projects - ten are due each year and there are three categories or types of projects to choose from. The categories are based on promises made at your baptism! Each confirmand needs to do at least one in each category with the other eight in whatever category you choose. Please fill out a response form after completing each service project. Forms can be found in the Sanctuary with the Worship Response Forms or click on the box above.
Track 1 – Proclaim Christ through word and deed.
Serve at Grace on Sundays: Nursery, The Neighborhood (student + a parent), sound booth, usher, communion assistant, play an instrument, or at a Grace event (e.g. Craft Fair).
Track 2 – Care for others and the world God made.
Volunteer at a care facility, clean up your neighborhood or a park, serve at a local food shelf, or with an organization such as Feed My Starving Children.
Track 3 – Work for justice and peace.
Write state or local politicians about an issue that you feel strongly about, attend a Sunday Forum and learn about a topic that interests you, find an advocacy center and volunteer, choose a young-adult book about social justice, read it together as a family and discuss, participate in a march, come up with a plan to work towards a solution to create justice and peace in your community.
As a faith community, we never want fees/cost to get in the way of participating in anything---including Faith Formation! We also understand that kids are expensive and there are lots of financial variables at play within households. We are here to help and support you. Fill out this form to receive a discount that will defray the cost of a program or camp.
In addition, if you would like us to follow up with you or there are particular concerns that we may be able to help, please let us know! We are in this together, by the grace and love of God.