Children in Worship
Kids of all ages are welcome to participate fully in Grace’s worship life – wiggles, noisiness, and all! Click here for ideas everyone can do to be welcoming to families with young children. Grace provides a variety of options for families to fully engage in worship:
Children’s bulletins are for readers and non-readers and help kids engage with the worship service. These can be picked up as you enter the worship space. Just inside the entrance to worship is a book cart and bins where children can select a variety of quiet manipulatives to take to their seats.
Children of all ages are invited forward for a short message with one of our leaders.
Prayground (front) Kids are often more engaged when they can see what’s going on and families are invited to the area near the waterfall baptismal font where there are small tables, chairs, and quiet toys. If you would like to read more about the origins and preparations for the Prayground, read here!
Prayground (Koinonia Gallery) – just behind the sliding glass doors at the back of the worship space is an additional area for families to choose. While sounds that children make are most welcome in the Sanctuary, we recognize that concerns about disturbing others can hinder parents’ ability to focus on worship and this space was created with sound piped in so families can both see, hear, and participate in worship while children play freely. -
Our Nursery area is open during Worship for parents to use, if needed.
Following the Children’s Message in worship, children are invited to gather outside the Sanctuary for Kids Connect, which is an age-level Bible story and learning activity. Kids Connect will return to the Sanctuary during the Hymn of the Day so that kids can participate in the remainder of the service - the prayers, communion, and sending. (Children under the age of 4 need to be accompanied by a parent/grandparent.)
Children are invited to come forward with their families for Communion to receive the bread and wine/grape juice or for a blessing. For a blessing, we invite kids to cross their hands over their chests to indicate a blessing rather than the communion elements.
Kids of all ages are invited forward with coins to throw in a large pot during the Generosity Moment (paper money, even though not noisy, is welcome, too)! Collections benefit our neighbors who need a helping hand.
How can you help welcome families with young children in worship?
Greet and learn the names of the young children who sit near you in worship
Offering to read or color with one child during worship, especially if another child in the family is especially fussy or upset
Helping preschoolers and elementary-aged kids to navigate the liturgy, locate the hymns, etc. (Children learn to worship by participating!)
Inviting kids to serve alongside you in worship, as greeters, ushers, etc.
Children’s Ministry at Grace seeks to nurture kids and their families in their faith journey by integrating them into the overall life of the church. Children are welcomed into worship and throughout the year we gather to learn together and for family fun.
Join friends, form faith, and have fun at Grace summer camps for all ages!