At Grace, we celebrate the community that we are as a whole, and we also seek to create opportunities to gather in small groups so that we can get to know each other and share life together. All of these groups welcome new people to join them!
Small Groups
We have ongoing and seasonal groups that get together (online and in-person) to build relationships and be in community.
Bible and Book Studies
We love to learn together as a community. We have opportunities to gather with others to discuss a book, a tough question, or stories from the Bible.
Sunday Forums
Most weekends, we gather in Friendship Hall after worship to learn together. Our forums are led by a variety of people and cover a variety of topics. Pick up a treat and cup of coffee and join us for these important conversations!
Theology Tuesday
NEW LOCATION: Applewood Pointe
12450 Drayton Trail | Apple Valley (corner of McAndrews Road & Pilot Knob Road)
Our group meets the first Tuesday of the month to tackle tough questions about faith, the Bible, and life. This study explores questions with a discussion-oriented approach. You can bring your own meal and beverage (alcoholic and non-alcoholic are both fine!), or just come with your questions and eagerness for lively conversation! Our discussion is facilitated by a pastor or lay leader. No need to sign up in advance!
For more information please contact, Sue Swanson, or Andi Arntz.
Theology Tuesday
April 1
May 6
March 20 and 27: "Who Wrote the Torah?" Where did each of the authors, known as J, E, P & D, come from, and when and why did they write? How did their writings become woven together into Genesis through Deuteronomy? Special treat: Find out D’s real name, and identify 8 other Bible books he wrote! (based on Richard Friedman’s book) Craig Tigerman leads.
April 3: Rev. Jeff Eisele leads a conversation on the climate crisis and shares about the organization, Third Act Minnesota.
April 10: Faith and Climate Change. Pastor Reed leads.
April 17: No class (Maundy Thursday)
April 24-May 22: Topic to be determined. Adam Cerling leads.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Grace Koinonia Gallery
Read the Bible in a Year
Each Monday, Jim will send out an email with the Bible reading for the week, and an explanation of what you’ll be reading in those chapters.
There will also be monthly in-person meetings (6:30-7:45p).
Grace Koinonia Hall
April 14
May 12
June 16
July 14
August 18
September 22
Read the Bible in a Year began September 2024
A Bible study that allows you to, as the title says, read the entire Bible, cover to cover, in a year. You can expect to read about three chapters a day. Each week you’ll get a reading guide emailed to you, with the week’s chapters to read and some explanatory comments. We’ll meet face-to-face once a month to see how everyone is doing and answer questions. We’ll read the Bible chronologically, in order of the events and stories in the Bible. Join us for an easy and approachable way to read the whole Bible! More information below.
Read the Bible in a Year is a guided study where you read through the entire Bible in 12 months. This study will be led by Dr. Jim Ollhoff.
Each Monday, Jim will send out an email with the Bible reading for the week, and an explanation of what you’ll be reading in those chapters. On average, you can plan on reading Bible 3 chapters a day.
Once a month, we’ll meet at Grace Lutheran to review what you’ve read, preview what you’ll be reading, and answer questions you might have.
It’s an exciting and non-threatening way to get into the Bible.
Yes! We’ll start in Genesis and read until we finish the book of Revelation. You’ll average about 21 chapters a week, or 3 chapters a day.
Some books you’ll want to read carefully. For a few books, you may want to skim them (we’re looking at you, Leviticus).
Yes. We will have monthly meetings at Grace Lutheran where we review what we have read and preview what we will be reading. We’ll always make time for questions that you have.
Monthly meetings will continue until September of 2025.
There’s plenty of Bible passages that are obscure or confusing! The weekly guides will address some of those to try to bring some clarity. You can also bring your questions to the monthly meetings. You can also email Jim Ollhoff anytime with a question.
The books of the Bible are not in chronological order. They are put into categories, such as “Books of History” which cover almost a thousand years. “The Prophets” are all put together, and they cover almost 600 years. Covering the Bible chronologically means that we’ll read them in the order according to the time when they were written. That way, you’re reading the history of the Old and New Testaments in historical order. We’ll jump around a bit, but reading it chronologically usually makes more sense.
No. Everyone is welcome.
You WILL fall behind sometimes. That’s just a normal happening of life.
If you fall behind, just jump ahead to wherever we are. In other words, skip the old stuff and read the current reading, rather than trying to catch up. If you try to catch up and read everything you missed, there’s a good chance you’ll fall further and further behind.
Just jump ahead. It’s not a problem. It happens to everyone.
Grace Book Club
Everyone is welcome to meet at 9:30a on the first Saturday of every month (with a few exceptions) in the Bonhoeffer Room. Participants choose from a variety of books, including current and classic novels, and non-fiction from biography to history. See the weekly announcements for current and future books. For more information, contact Sue Swanson.
2025 Book List
April 5: My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult
May 3: Whiskey Tender: A Memoir by Deborah Taffa
June 7: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
Grace Book Club
Bonhoeffer Room, Grace Lutheran
First Saturday of the month
Select times throughout the year
Wednesdays during Lent and before Dinner Church
5:15p: Join one of three Lenten Conversation Groups before dinner
6:15p: Dinner Church
After: Confirmands meet with their mentors
Small Groups
4:00-5:00p - this group meets most Thursdays
Check the calendar to be sure.
Grace Zoom Meeting Room
Grandparents Happy Hour
Join other grands on Zoom to share stories, laughs, and engage in great conversation!
6:00-7:00p - this group meets most Fridays
Check the calendar to be sure.
Grace Zoom Meeting Room
Singles Living Alone
Gather on Zoom with single people of all ages and share in conversation and friendship.
Sunday Forums
Most Sundays, we gather after worship to learn together! Forums are led by pastors, lay leaders, and guest presenters and the topics vary from week to week. Sunday Forums take place in Friendship Hall, which is located at the south end of the newer building, right next to the coffee and cookies! Forums start around 10:40a and go for 45-60 minutes.
If you miss a forum and want to watch or listen to it later, you can find recordings of our forums here: Sunday Forums
Upcoming Forums:
March 23 - Good Grief Panel
March 30 - Funeral Planning
April 6 - Five Wishes
April 13 - Walking through Holy Week (interactive and for everyone!)
April 27 - Care of Creation
May 11 - The Rev. Justin Grimm
May 18 - Blessing of the Seniors / Capital Campaign
Kids can hang out at The Neighborhood during the Sunday Forum! Children whose parents are attending Sunday Forums are invited to come and hang out in The Neighborhood (right next to the nursery; across the hall from Friendship Hall, where the forums take place) where they can explore and experience free-play options such as The Café, The Church, The Library, The Theater, and more.