February 28, 2025

Dear Church,

Part of the work of our Public Faith Team is to identify and discern spaces that we as church can show up for our neighbors in tangible and sustainable ways, and to continue the great work of our legacy ministry teams that make up Public Faith. And so, we’re once again participating in the Minnesota FoodShare!

The Minnesota FoodShare Campaign was started in 1982 as a grassroots effort to restock food shelves in Minnesota. It was such a success that it became a regular campaign. The mission is simple: “We envision a future where all Minnesotans have access to healthy food and no one struggles with food insecurity.”

During the month of March, there are many ways that you can participate in this campaign. As in prior years, any of the monetary or shelf-stable donations collected at Grace will be donated to the Shepherd of the Valley food shelf, which is the only food shelf in Apple Valley. You can donate monetarily with cash or check, or via Breeze. You can bring in shelf-stable food donations (here is a list of the most-requested items – there will also be printed copies in the Narthex). You can be part of the blessing during worship on April 6th when we prepare to deliver the collected non-perishable items to Shepherd of the Valley. And in worship each week, we’ll be sharing a fact about Minnesota food (in)security.

Participating in the MN Foodshare is a great way to support our neighbors and live out Christ’s love!

In faith,
Pr. Reed

Every Friday, we send an email to the congregation and any others who would like to learn more about the Grace community. The last four Friday emails are posted below.


March 7, 2025


February 21, 2025