February 14, 2025

Dear Church,

In this season of winter’s deep cold, Epiphany’s light, and constitutional and social crisis, many of us are finding ourselves bouncing between frenetic overwhelm and a desire to disconnect from the world. Our bodies are responding to, and holding, everything that we are experiencing – personally, interpersonally, and communally. There is wisdom in frenetic overwhelm – it is important to act. There is wisdom in disconnection – it is important to rest. But moving between those states can throw us off balance and doesn’t aid us in connecting to the wisdom of our bodies, and our ability to grow our capacity to be present for both joy and grief – because there is still both.

I want to share this blessing from Jan Richardson. I invite you to take time to read it, to dwell in the blessing, and to notice what your body might be needing in this time. You might need movement, or to drink more water, or to spend time with a friend. You might need to pull back from a commitment, or to add a new way to get involved. You might need to make a vegetable-based meal, or change out the arch supports in your shoes. Caring for our bodies helps us practice giving and receiving care – lessons we can then carry with us as we live our lives of faith in the world.

 In Christ,

Pastor Reed
Blessing the Body – by Jan Richardson
This blessing takes
one look at you
and all it can say is
Holy hands.
Holy face.
Holy feet.
Holy everything
in between.
Holy even in pain.
Holy even when weary.
In brokenness, holy.
In shame, holy still.
Holy in delight.
Holy in distress.
Holy when being born.
Holy when we lay it down
at the hour of our death.
So, friend,
open your eyes
(holy eyes).
For one moment
see what this blessing sees,
this blessing that knows
how you have been formed
and knit together
in wonder and
in love.
Welcome this blessing
that folds its hands
in prayer
when it meets you;
receive this blessing
that wants to kneel
in reverence
before you:
you who are
home for God
in this world.

Every Friday, we send an email to the congregation and any others who would like to learn more about the Grace community. The last four Friday emails are posted below.


February 21, 2025


February 7, 2025