August 2, 2024
Dear church,
I wanted to share a little more today about the “Listening Session with Bishop Lull” that is taking place at Grace this coming Thursday, August 8.
Every year in May, the St. Paul Area Synod gathers all 106 congregations - pastors, deacons, and laity – for Synod Assembly. We come together to worship, learn, elect new leaders, and celebrate what God is doing among us. During Synod Assembly, there is always a Bishop’s Report, and Bishop Patricia Lull uses this time to update us on happenings, struggles, and invitations across the synod. This year she talked at length about one of her main goals for the coming year – to get out in the synod and listen to people other than pastors and deacons. (She hears from us plenty!) She wants to meet with lay people and hear your perspectives on church – what’s going well, what’s hard, what’s hopeful, etc. To put this goal into action, Bishop Lull has been holding “Listening Sessions” all over the synod this summer. The next session is taking place right here at Grace! This coming Thursday, August 8, from 6:30-8:00pm, Bishop Lull and other synod staff will be at Grace to engage in conversation and to listen. This is not just for Grace members, so we anticipate that other lay people from other ELCA congregations will also be present.
We’d love for there to be a strong showing of Grace members, so please come if you’re able to. There’s no prep needed, there will not be a quiz on the Bible or liturgy; the whole point of this is to engage in conversation with people who don’t spend all their time at church, and to learn from you!
Hope you can make it! Any questions, contact Pr. Reed or Lisa Wolf, since I will be away on vacation. See you on the 11th!
Church together,
Pastor Sarah
Every Friday, we send an email to the congregation and any others who would like to learn more about the Grace community. The last four Friday emails are posted below.