Sunday, August 18

Meeting Our Ancestors in Faith, One Story at a Time

This summer, we are picking a different story in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) to read each week. Feel free to bring your favorite Bible to worship with you, as we’ll be opening it up and digging into the texts together!

The Bible can be a barrier, even for people of faith. It’s large, intimidating, and confusing! Many of us are wary to read these texts because we carry bruises from our upbringing or simply don’t have enough information for the stories to make any sense. This summer, we are going to pick a different, and often unread, story in the Bible to dig into each Sunday. Many of them will come from the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament. Our hope is that this series will expose us to the Bible’s rich array of characters and storylines, and help us learn or relearn how these ancient stories relate to our stories here and now. Words for worship and summer series, © Church Anew.


Sunday, August 25


Sunday, August 11