be love in the world!

Grace Lutheran Church Stewardship Campaign

Being Christ’s love in the world invites all of us to live generously!

Please complete your commitment card for 2025.

These will be received in worship on Sunday, December 8th.

Ways to make your gift:

  • Onlinemake a one-time or recurring donation through our securing giving site. We encourage you to consider offsetting the credit card fee.

  • Bill-pay – this option creates no fees for Grace, and allows your bank to send a check to Grace from your bank account.

  • Cash/check – offerings are received every Sunday in the offering plate on the table right outside the sanctuary. Checks can also be mailed.

  • Qualified Charitable Distribution – for individuals 70 ½ or older, you can direct all or a portion of your RMDs (required minimum distributions) from your IRAs to the church tax-free.

  • Stock Gifts – the IRS allows the direct transfer of stock to the church. The process of transferring stock is very easy!

    If you have questions about any of these options, contact Lisa Wolf.


be love in the world!


Prayer Shawls & Baptismal Blankets Ministry