Love God. Love one another.

Ways to experience Grace’s Mission

Green Team  

We are committed to being good stewards of God’s Creation, listening to and learning from scientists and environmentalists, and implementing concrete changes in our life together.

Reconciling in Christ

As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, we see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.

Guatemala Partnership (ILAG)

Grace Lutheran is in partnership with Mensajeros de Cristo in Guatemala, journeying together in the love of Christ, through prayer, mutual respect and understanding, and frequent communication.

Racial Justice Team

We strive to be anti-racist in our communal life, by learning about systematic racism, growing in our cultural understanding, and advocating for racial equality.

Community Connections

We are connected to our neighbors and wider community, through partnerships with organizations and groups working for justice and compassion in Apple Valley and beyond.

For the sake of the world.